Moving on


Our Lady's School catchment area comprises 18 villages and, in addition, a significant number of families travel from Rugby, Coventry, Leamington and other outlying areas. As a result, when it comes to moving on to secondary school, the children are spread far and wide. Warwickshire retains grammar schools in the Rugby and Stratford areas. Parents wishing to enter their child for the 11 plus examination must do so using the Local Authority registration form sent home with children in the summer term of Year 5. In addition Parents are provided with information on schools in the local area and their arrangements for open evenings. We would encourage Parents to visit as many schools as they can to find the one that is right for their child.


The 11 plus examination takes place very early in the Autumn term of Year 6. Parents have the results by mid October and may use this information to help them finalise decisions about secondary school applications which have to be with the Local Authority by  the end of October.