Pupil Leadership Teams



Hello and welcome to the Pupil Leadership Team

Here at Our Lady's, our voices are heard and valued and together we shape the teaching and learning that happens at our school. The aim of the various teams within the Pupil Leadership Team is to enable the children in our school to have the chance lead an aspect of our school life through asking questions, giving opinions and leading change. Each leadership team is supported by a linked member of staff who holds regular meetings to allow children to grow in their roles and positively contribute to our school environment and ethos.

Head Boy and Head Girl

“We are very proud to have been voted to be Head Boy and Head Girl this year. Our role is to be key ambassadors for our school by being responsible for showcasing the school from a pupil viewpoint, representing our school at events and being absolute role models to all others inside and outside the classroom.” 

Stewards of Creation

Liturgy Leaders

Play Leaders

House Captains