Welcome to St Nicholas' Class

A warm welcome to the Reception and  Nursery Webpage. Here you can explore all the wonderful and exciting learning we do. You will find our long term plans and Termly and Curriculum over view in each class page. 



Our Class Saint

St. Nicholas is the patron saint of children. His generous spirit and love for youth have led the way to the popular tradition of the gift-giving Santa Claus celebrated throughout the world. Born into a wealthy family and orphaned young, St. Nicholas gave his inheritance to the poor, then dedicated his life to serving God as a priest, and later as a bishop.


A prayer for Children

God, we pray that through the intercessions of St. Nicholas
you will guide and protect our children.
Keep them safe from all harm and help them grow
to become loving disciples of Jesus in your sight.
Give them strength to always mature into deeper faith in you,
and to keep alive joy in your creation.
Through Jesus Christ Our Lord.



The Curriculum

EYFS Long Term Plan 2023-2024

At Our Lady's we work hard to ensure the children make excellent progress through fun and engaging play-based learning. We want the children to have excellent Experiences, in which they learn life ling skills and gain an amazing, positive start to their education. 

We use the 'Development Matters' document to support our planning and we work towards achieving the EYFS Framework end of Reception Goals.

The children are encouraged to use both the inside and outside learning environments, which are set up with continuous and enhanced provision. Continuous provision are the resources which are set up and link to our topics or termly curriculum. All provision is carefully planned to ensure children's skills are individually developed and learning opportunities are personalised to ensure every child makes excellent progress in their learning journey. Our environments are both supportive and challenging for our children.

Alongside this the children are taught through adult- direct lessons or group activities. These include lessons such as RE, phonics, literacy, mathematics, PSHE,PE and more. Through these we teach the children new skills which they can then apply independently through their play.

Religious Education  

People who help us. 

The children will be introduced to the role of the priest as a special person in God's family who helps people. There is a focus on the Church building as an important place within the parish community. The children will learn about a saint being an important person in god's family. They will also consider the help that Jesus gave to people when they needed it. 


Children will learn about some of the reasons why Christians pray. They will learn about some styles of prayer and be able to reflect on some of their experiences of prayer. 

Physical Development

Children use a range of balancing and climbing apparatus to develop their co-ordination and awareness of space. They use a variety of sports equipment in class and team games. We also focus on using smaller tools, construction and malleable materials to practise skills.


This area includes both Reading and Writing.  We use the phonics programme Letters and Sounds.  The children are taught both reading and writing skills, linking sounds and letters. Children are given a wide access to a range of genre of texts including stories, poems to ignite their interest.

Understanding of the World

This area of learning includes science, history, geography, design technology, information technology and religious education within topics. We focus on providing the children with a range of activities and different equipment to investigate and use.

Nursery Curriculum Newsletter- Summer 2

EYFS Policy 2023

Communication and Language

Children have had the opportunities to develop their speaking and listening, reading and writing skills by sharing and enjoying many stories, rhymes and non-fiction books. We have also focused on identifying sound using the 'Rocket Phonics’ programme.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development


Children are encouraged to establish positive relationships with adults and other children. They learn to work co-operatively as part of a group, to understand what is right and wrong and why and to consider the consequences of their actions. Adults working in early years aim to encourage all children, to make sure that each child is given an equal chance to join in with the range of activities on offer and that all children feel equally valued as part of the whole group.


Children learn about pattern, shape, and measures. They order, sequence and sort with objects and numbers through practical activities. They are encouraged to use mental strategies and skills as well as number rhymes, songs and games.

Expressive Arts and Design

Children explore colour, shape, texture, form and space through a range of activities in art, music, dance, stories and imaginative play. We provide them with opportunities to express and communicate their ideas and feelings.



Reception Curriculum Newsletter- Summer 2

EYFS Development Matters Document



Is your child starting Nursery or Reception in September 2024?


 Please click here for more information


Some of Our Learning Autumn 1

Some of Our Learning Autumn 2